
Jams & Gems


Jams & Gems is a fusion of free expression, raw talent and an abundance of love for art and culture.

As true treasure hunters, The Ruggeds will bring you a combination of hidden gems and 24 carat acts that will come together as an unforgettable festival experience. 
On a flowing movement you will be shifted from swinging live music on Ketelhuisplein to percussive grooves at the club night that will increase in decibel as the sun goes down.
And in between the melodies you will be surprised with impressions of various creatives and artists that leave you in a state of wonder.

Because for us music is the connector of various art disciplines that we want to give a stage to shine. With our festival we want to create a space where magical moments arise, which can still be felt reverberating in the energy of the crowd.
We want to bring people and communities together to strengthen the culture, and most of all celebrate the culture!
At Jams & Gems we are not modest about Eindhoven's potential and we are proving that music, dance and art come into its own in this city.

The afterparty will be at Ketelhuis from 23:00 till 04:00